Free Guitar Pedal Vst Plugins
- Free Guitar Pedal Vst Plugins Pro
- Free Guitar Pedals Vst Plugins
- Free Guitar Pedal Vst Plugins Vst
- Free Guitar Pedal Vst Plugins Plugin
Dual Fuzz
32-Bit Download Here
Windows 32-bit VST Plugin
May 6, 2012
KVR: Guitar Gadgets by Musical Entropy – Delay VST Plugin and Audio Units Plugin for Windows and Mac OS X. Guitar Gadgets is a compilation of “false” analog guitar pedal simulations, made to be used mainly with electric guitars and guitar amp simulations, but which may be sound interesting in any situation. VST 4 FREE - Free Audio Plug-ins and Archives Free audio plugins archive - Instruments and effects for audio software. Plugins for Cubase, FL studio, Reaper, Ableton and other VST/AU platforms. Windows 32-bit VST Plugin May 6, 2012. 64-Bit Download Here v1.1 Windows 64-bit VST Plugin May 6, 2012. This is an emulation of a Fuzz Face and a Tone Bender MKII with added controls for tweaking. It runs in mono or stereo, and has selectable 2x oversampling. The Fuzz Face was first made by Arbiter Electronics in 1966.
64-Bit Download Here
Windows 64-bit VST Plugin
May 6, 2012
Amps and Effects Library: The GTR3 (Guitar Tool Rack) plugin used to have 3 separate plugins for the stompboxes/pedals, amps, and effects units separately, but now they are all integrated into one plugin for convenience. Despite being an older plugin, the GTR3 boasts of 30 amp models, multiple stompboxes, and mics and cabinets.
A robust pedalboard simulator, Guitar Rig 5 player is one of the best free VST plugins that comes packed with a Shoegazer’s dream effects: heavy reverb, delay, phaser, chorus, flanger, you name it. Guitar pedal bundle. Bundle VST Effects Guitar pedal bundle. Free vst plugins April 29, 2019. Previous Article Pots. “Pitchproof is an audio plug-in that can shift the pitch of the input. The effect is meant to combine old styles of pitch shifting with the quality you expect from modern plug-ins. The result is this pitch “pedal” simulation that has most of what is great about guitar harmonizer pedals, and still preserves the signal’s integrity.
This is an emulation of a Fuzz Face and a Tone Bender MKII with added controls for tweaking. It runs in mono or stereo, and has selectable 2x oversampling.
The Fuzz Face was first made by Arbiter Electronics in 1966. It had a thick, fuzzy distortion and was made famous by artists like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and David Gilmour. The Tone Bender MKII was also released in 1966, by Sola Sound. Compared to the Fuzz Face, it has a brighter, more distorted sound.
Main features:
- Accurate emulation of the Arbiter Fuzz Face and the Sola Sound Tonebender MKII.
- Material control allows for a hot silicon tone, or a vintage germanium sound.
- Switchable 2x oversampling.
- 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
- Stereo and Mono operation.
- Tweak controls: Input Level, Input Filter, Gate, Clean Blend, Lo Cut, Hi Cut, Material.
Coded in C++, using VST SDK 2.4 and VSTGUI 4.0.
Last Updated on December 15, 2020 by
Here’s a list of the best 16 distortion/saturation/fuzzplugins available to download for free!
Let’s get straight into it…
FuzzPlus 3 by Audio Damage (Windows, Mac)
FuzzPlus 3 is an updated version of the original FuzzPluspedal emulation which is a straight up fuzz-sounding effect and not so much ofa distortion- or saturation one.
The interface is super intuitive and it offers five simplecontrol parameters.
It also features a spectrum analyzer that shows you theamount of clipping going on.
All in all, I think FuzzPlus 3 might be a great addition toyour plugin arsenal.
You can download it here.
Related: Here’s a huge list of the Best Free VST Plugins ever.
Krush by Tritik (Windows, Mac)
Krush combines the crispy taste of the digital realm withthe warmth of its drive stage and analog modeled resonant filters.
A modulation section allows you to quickly add extra life tothe sound by modulating any parameter.
The range of sounds you can achieve with this plugin go allthe way from extremely dirty signals to crunchy and warm ones.
- Crunchy drive stage
- Bit depth reduction
- Sample rate reduction
- Analog modeled resonant filters (low-pass andhigh-pass)
You can download it here.
Interested in free Synth vst plugins? Here’s an entire post on that topic.
Temper Distortion by Creative Intent (Windows, Mac)
Temper is a modern digital distortion plugin featuring arich saturation stage and a unique phase distortion.
Use the variable saturation curve to add warmth and edge toyour sound, and let the phase distortion bring character and clarity throughyour mix.
Temper also features a simple resonant lowpass filter and afeedback path to drive the intensity of the tone.
This is by far one of the best distortion plugins available,even when compared to premium ones.
Copy over ini file with dll file of vst plugin. You can download it here.
Related: Here’s a list of the best free Arpeggiator Plugins.
SGA1566 by Shattered Glass Audio (Windows, Mac)
SGA1566 brings the authentic tone of a single channelvintage all tube mic preamplifier.
The whole circuit is simulated in real time using the highperformance circuit simulator to recreate every nuance of the preamp circuit,from subtle coloration to overdrive and distortion.
Use SGA1566 to add warmth to a track, as a saturationcompressor, or to add “dirt” with tube overdrive.
- Authentic analog sound through real-timehigh-performance circuit simulation.
- Two-band active Baxandall EQ that can be placedeither before or after the preamp.
- Up to 4x oversampling.
- Mono or stereo processing mode.
You can download it here.
Interested in free compression VST plugins? Here’s a post about the 12 best ones.
Tube Saturator Vintage by Wave Arts (Windows, Mac)
Tube Saturator Vintage uses circuit simulation technology tofaithfully reproduce the sound of a dual triode preamp.
While it sounds great, the circuit simulation technology isvery CPU intensive…
That’s why they released the Tube Saturator 2, which sadlyisn’t free but it goes much easier on the CPU.
The reason it uses so much of your CPU’s power is becauseTube Saturator uses state of the art circuit simulation technology to captureevery nuance of an analog circuit.
Basically, it sounds fantastic… at the expense of using moreof your CPU’s resources than other Saturators.
You can download it here.
Related: Here’s a list of the best free Delay VST Plugins.
Saturation Knob by Softube (Windows, Mac)
The saturation knob is literally one knob that allows you toadd some warmth and shimmer to the vocals, guitar, and any other track you’dlike…
Basically, it just adds volume and warmth.
Just don’t go overboard with the saturation, if it startssounding distorted, dial it back down a bit… unless that’s what you’re goingfor.
One huge issue I have with this plugin is not the pluginitself, but all the hoops they make you jump through to be able to use it.
You have to register with them, also register with ilok.comand then link those accounts…
AFTER that, I know… super annoying, you download the gobblerapp and install the plugin, now you can finally use it!
I have to say though, it’s worth the trouble!
You can download it here.
Looking for free guitar VST plugins? Here are the 15 best ones.
Metal Area mt-a by Mercuriall (Windows, Mac)
The Mercuriall Metal Area mt-a is based on the Boss MT-2,which is a super popular distortion pedal.
The funny thing is that most people think that it doesn’treally sound all that great…
However, in the right hands, some pretty cool tones can beachieved.
This just means that some tweaking is required in order toget a good sound out of the pedal, and this is also the case with this plugin.
It comes with controls for Level, Dist, High, Low,Middle, MidFreq, Input Gain, Mono/Stereo, Quality switch andan On/Off knob.
If you’re in need of a distortion plugin that will allow youto create some cool metal tones, then by all means check this one out.
You can download it here.
Related: Here’s a list of the best Guitar amp sims.
Greed Smasher by Mercuriall (Windows, Mac)
Greed Smasher is based on the Mesa/Boogie GridSlammer overdrive guitar pedal.
Being a virtual overdrive pedal, the plugin is aimed mainlyat guitar players and music producers who use distorted guitars in their music…
However, effects like this one can work equally well onvirtual instruments and even hardware synthesizers.
Some users reported that this plugin would crash sometimes,but it definitely sounds great and I didn’t have that issue.
- The modeled circuit is based on a Mesa/BoogieGrid Slammer Overdrive.
- Low CPU usage.
- Stereo and Mono modes.
- Low (2x oversampling) and High (4x oversampling)Quality switch.
You can download it here.
Marauder by AudioParlour (Windows Only)
Marauder is an interesting free dynamic distortioneffect which sounds absolutely phenomenal.
It is based on a network of four gain stages which worktogether to create a superb organic distortion effect.
It can be used as a subtle saturation tool that can add somewarmth to you mix, as well as to create some cool distorted sounds.
The truth is that you will need to tweak- and fiddle aroundwith the controls a bit in order to get a great sound…
However, once you get the hang of it, you will be able tocreate some great sounds!
- Analog inspired distortion.
- Four unique gain stages.
- Goes from subtle to extreme.
- Organic, syrupy sounds.
- Contour your overdrive with afeedback-compressor styled envelope.
You can download it here.
Looking for free Drum VST plugins? Here are the best ones.
Free Guitar Pedal Vst Plugins Pro
808 Tube Screamer by TSE Audio (Windows, Mac)
This is an emulation of the Infamous Ibanez TS-808 TubeScreamer pedal and man is it great!
It sounds great, you can use it for all kinds of music, toget a blues tone, to make those rock sounds have that little extra bite tothem.
I absolutely recommend this one since it’s just fantasticplugin!
You can download it here.
Tubes Creamer 808 by Mercuriall (Windows, Mac)
Mercuriall Audio Software’s Tubes Creamer 808 Core is a freevirtual Ibanez TS-808 Tube Screamer pedal emulation.
The Ibanez TS-808 was used by artists such as Stevie RayVaughan which was, in a way, how he got such an amazing tone.
The Tubes Creamer is an emulated version of this pedal andit sounds absolutely fantastic, and best of all… it’s free!
Just add it to the chain in your DAW and you’re ready to go!
If you’re looking for an awesome blues or rock tone, thenabsolutely give Tubes Creamer a chance!
You can download it here.
Looking for free Modulation VSTs? Here’s a post I wrote about the best ones.
TNT by Ourafilmes (Windows Only)
TNT is a Distortion/Saturation plugin which wasoriginally created for audio processing on drums, as well as FX and basssounds.
It comes in Multi-band and single-band both with mono andstereo components.
Both share the same saturation/distortion algorithms but thesingle band features a Tone knob that is not present in the multi-band version.
This Tone knob features a transparent 6dB crossover filterthat separates the low and high bands where you can use differentsaturation/distortion algorithms on each band.
There is also a balance knob that helps to level both bandsbefore final output.
- Midi learn (right click on the knobs).
- Zero latency.
- Full automation.
- Modifier keys: Shift (fine tuning) and Control(default value).
- Clear, intuitive, easy to use GUI.
You can download it here.
Plusdistortion by Distorque (Windows Only)
The Plusdistortion plug-in is an emulation of an MXRDistortion+.
It has a wide range of distortion sounds from a little bitof dirt to a giant fuzz/crunch tone.
It emulates the germanium diode clipping used in theDistortion+, as well as the lo-fi op amp and just about every other aspect ofthe circuit.
Many parts of the effect are also tweakable, so you cancraft your own D+ based distortion.
In addition to the normal distortion and output controls,the following controls have been added:
- Input level – This is a volume control on theinput of the effect. You can adjust this to compensate for different pickups,different input levels, etc.
- Oversampling – This turns 2x oversampling on andoff.
- Input Type – ‘Pickup’ adds a resonant low-pass filteron the input to emulate the interaction between the 1nF cap on the input and aguitar pickup. ‘Buffered’ removes this filter.
- Op Amp Clipping – This controls the amount ofdistortion contributed by the emulated op amp.
- Diode Clipping – This controls the hardness ofthe distortion from the emulated diodes.
- High Cut – This reduces high frequencies on theoutput. Many distortions use controls like this to reduce harshness.
- Low Cut – This reduces low frequencies on theinput. Many distortions use controls like this to reduce muddiness and increaseclarity.
You can download it here.
Face Bender by Distorque (Windows Only)
This is an emulation of a Fuzz Face and a Tone Bender MKIIwith added controls for tweaking.
It runs in mono or stereo, and has selectable 2xoversampling.
The Fuzz Face was first made by Arbiter Electronics in 1966.
Free Guitar Pedals Vst Plugins
It had a thick, fuzzy distortion and was made famous byartists like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and David Gilmour.
The Tone Bender MKII was also released in 1966, by SolaSound.
Compared to the Fuzz Face, it has a brighter, more distortedsound.
This plugins sounds pretty damn good and is really easy toset up, so what’s not to like?
- Accurate emulation of the Arbiter Fuzz Face andthe Sola Sound Tonebender MKII.
- Material control allows for a hot silicon tone,or a vintage germanium sound.
- Switchable 2x oversampling.
- 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
- Stereo and Mono operation.
- Tweak controls: Input Level, InputFilter, Gate, Clean Blend, Lo Cut, Hi Cut, Material.
You can download it here.
Buz by Buzzroom (Windows Only)
This is an old sounding distortion/fuzz pedal effect.
There are loads of VST distortion effects out there (sometop ones too -JCM 900, green machine etc), but only a few have a bigmuff soundlike this.
Buz has a nice wide tonal range, and the ‘edge’ controlreally adds some “sleaze” to the sound.
It allows you to get that authentic 60s garage band soundwithout much effort.
You can download it here.
Ouradrive by Ourafilmes (Windows Only)
Free Guitar Pedal Vst Plugins Vst
This is a basic valve overdrive vst effect.
It uses almost no cpu resources and it’s very simple to use:
It only has two knobs and an on/off switch.
Simply apply the desired amount of valve overdrive to thesound using the DRIVE knob and then adjust the OUT gain knob tothe desired output level.
You can also use use the automation feature if you so desire.
This effect works best with sounds that have lots of low –low/mid frequencies.
Use it on synths, basses, guitars, leads, lo-fi sounds,voices or any sound that you want to slightly push harder, warm, overdrive oreven distort.
You can download it here.
Free Guitar Pedal Vst Plugins Plugin
The one I like the most of all the plugins on this list isdefinitely Temper.
However, all of them sound great and will surely help yougive your mixes more personality.
I hope you found this information useful…
Have a wonderful day!